Cucumber, celery and apple juice

This drink provides the body with a lot of  water, fiber, vitamins and minerals . The apple, pear, celery and dates provide fiber that promotes digestion, while cucumber contributes water to hydrate.

1 min read

Turmeric Latté

It is the dream of many and fortunately it is within everyone’s reach. Genetics do a lot, it’s true, but the most important thing is to have a proper diet and do physical exercise.

2 min read

Diet to lose up to 5 kg in 2 weeks

To lose weight in 2 weeks it is necessary to have a healthy and balanced diet, it is important to include fruits, vegetables and whole foods rich in fiber, in addition to avoiding the consumption of industrialized, fried, frozen foods such as pizza.

5 min read

How are foods classified?

By classifying them, it is easier to put together a diet for a person with diabetes, for example, with obesity, or simply for any human being who wants to have a healthy life and for their body to function in a balanced way.

6 min read