Is shoyu sauce bad for your health?

Shoyu is a sauce made from a mixture of soybeans, toasted cereal, water and sea salt. Below you will learn about its main characteristics, its sodium levels and, finally, if soy sauce is bad for your health.

6 min read

Salty sweet potato for breakfast

The usual thing is to eat sweet potato, with cinnamon, honey or condensed milk, but I swear that if you give it a chance and prepare it like a potato, you will enjoy and love it.

1 min read

Cucumber, celery and apple juice

This drink provides the body with a lot of  water, fiber, vitamins and minerals . The apple, pear, celery and dates provide fiber that promotes digestion, while cucumber contributes water to hydrate.

1 min read

Powerful teas to treat insomnia

Sleeping well is invigorating and, above all, necessary to keep physical and mental health up to date. When there is little rest time, the body begins to suffer this effect and signals that things are not going well.

4 min read

Tips to cure canker sores more quickly

Canker sores are small ulcers found inside the mouth. They can be white or gray with red edges. They usually appear in the soft areas of the mouth, such as the tongue, inside the cheeks and on the inside of the lips.

The medical term for aphthous ulcers is recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS), and they are sores that will appear over and over again all the time.

6 min read

Cod with Chickpeas

An excellent recipe for Cod with Chickpeas that is quite cheap, quick and easy that you can make for Easter or at any time.

2 min read

Rabbit with Hazelnuts and Ginger

If you need a very nutritious and light alternative, opt for this delicious dish. It’s packed with protein, and thanks to the fat-burning power of ginger, the line stays in check.

2 min read

Tangerine benefits

The benefits of mandarin oranges, also known as mandarin oranges, go beyond the delicious taste and low calorie count. As we’ve already said,  a healthy diet can also be a delicious diet. 

3 min read