10 superfoods backed by science

10 Superalimentas Avalados


10 science-backed superfoods

Are you looking for an extra contribution of to your ? Then you need to incorporate these 10 full of properties to your dishes.


To these , the tradition of the cultures they come from has attributed the ability to make you add years with health. Now, science reaffirms popular wisdom. They are very interesting to include in our dishes, but it is important to emphasize that what really brings us health is a varied and balanced . These are 10 superfoods that you can try.

matcha tea


, one of the most popular superfoods, has 10 times more than green , according to a study published in the Journal of Chromatherapy. Activates the and reduces thanks to the epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). It also stimulates and gives you more .

How to consume it?

Add half a teaspoon of matcha to some lukewarm . Mix vigorously and when it has diluted, add more and you will have a matcha tea or add hot and you will have a  matcha . To enjoy!



is another of the superfoods that we have gradually incorporated into our dishes. It has anti- properties due to its curcuminoid content, substances that inhibit the synthesis of some mediators. In addition, according to the American study A review of the plants used for the treatment of liver diseases , it favors the functioning of the liver and prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder. Instead, it should not be taken if there are already stones.

How to consume it?

You can add it to any stir fry of , creams or soups. Now it is also very fashionable to it as if it were a , what is known as  golden  or  . Add a teaspoon of turmeric to any very hot vegetable (it great with ) and a pinch of and black . 100% comforting.


3 – AÇAÍ

It is a from the Amazon that has a great capacity to slow down due to its (anthocyanins).

How to consume it?

It is to find açaí powder in health stores or organic supermarkets. You can add it to , milkshakes, smoothies, cereals with or . This superfood gives an attractive lilac hue to any dish you prepare.



It is the that contains the most chlorophyll; and that means that it has a great capacity to detoxify the body, since it neutralizes toxic and even carcinogenic substances. It is also rich in , and beta-carotene. Very consumed in the oriental diet.

How to consume it?

It can be added as a powder (2-3g) to smoothies, green or salad dressings.


5 – CHIA

One of the foods with the most omega-3 (along with flax) and a great ally for the . It provides 500% more assimilable than milk. In addition, it contains a lot of soluble , which is great for combating . Its phenol content makes it an anti- ally.

How to consume it?

You can add it to , salads, soups… Here are several ideas for with chia.



This tree contains more than 90 different . Its 46 antioxidants and the . In addition, it strengthens the , the nervous and systems due to its richness in and .

How to consume it?

Its fresh leaves are added to stews, soups or salads. Dried or powdered, infused, in smoothies or as a spice.

camo camo


It is an acid with more C than any other known . and provides .

How to consume it?

The superfood is purple in color and has a yellow pulp consumed in the form of (or powder) with smoothies and .




This superfood is well known for its properties. In addition, it reduces and . Improves fertility and menopausal disorders.

How to consume it?

It is taken in powder (5-15 g), which is cooked with water or milk and mixed with fruit and vegetable juices, sauces, smoothies…



It is known as the “mushroom of hope”. Increases the effectiveness of immune T cells in fighting cancer. In addition, it is purifying, and anti-aging.

How to consume it?

The powder of this healing superfood can be added to , used to make an infusion or taken as capsules.


10 – BREAD

It is a fruit of the family. According to a study by Cornell University (USA), it is anti-carcinogenic because it protects DNA. Due to its lignan content, it is also an and fights and helps regulate .

How to consume it?

It is taken by mixing its with . Be careful, because it can interfere with certain medications.



Matcha tea, Antioxidant, Turmeric, Anti-inflammatory, , aging, Chlorella, , Chia, , constipation, Moringa, heart, immune system, Camu Camu, , , Natural aphrodisiac, Reishi, immune system, , , , ,

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